Who is Melchizedek?

In the book of Genesis, we read of the account where Abraham and his nephew, Lot, separated company. Abram went to live in Canaan and Lot went to live in the plain – near the city of Sodom. In due course the various kings that lived in the region went to war with each other. Lot and his family were caught up in the fighting and taken captive.
When Abram heard about this, he took his servants and rescued Lot and his family.
Gen 14:16 So he [Abraham] brought back all the goods, and also brought back his brother Lot and his goods, as well as the women and the people.
Gen 14:18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High.
There are three things to notice:
1) The Hebrew name Melchizedek means “King of Righteousness”
2) “Salem” means “peace”. So Melchizedek was also king of peace.
3) Melchizedek was the priest of the Most High God.
In fact, the author of Hebrews tells us the same thing
Heb 7:1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him,
Heb 7:2 to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated “king of righteousness,” and then also king of Salem, meaning “king of peace,”
These titles give us a hint as to the identity of Melchizedek. Consider the title King of Righteousness. No human is righteous.
Rom 3:10 As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one;
No human is righteous, so “king of righteousness” is not applicable as a title for a human. Next, consider the title King of Peace. Humans – without God – don’t know the way to peace.
Rom 3:17 And the way of peace they have not known.”
But Christ is called the Prince of Peace.
Isa 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Jesus Christ has the name “Prince of Peace”, so “king of peace” is not applicable as a title for a human.
Further proof of the divinity of Melchizedek is found in Hebrews.
Heb 7:3 without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.
Notice that Melchizedek was “without father, without mother”. This does not mean that his parents had died. The next phrase “without genealogy” explains what it means. It means he had no ancestors. The following phrase “having neither beginning of days nor end of life” explains it even further. Melchizedek has always existed from eternity. He was not created.
Melchizedek cannot be an angel, because angels have been created. Melchizedek must be divine – God. So that leaves two possibilities: The Father or Jesus Christ.
Yet Melchizedek cannot be God the Father because Abraham saw Melchizedek, but Scripture says no man has ever seen the Father.
John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time. ….
So, if no one has ever seen the Father, that means Melchizedek must be Christ. Back to Heb 7:3
Heb 7:3 … but made like the Son of God, ….
What does it mean “made like the Son of God”? Isn’t Jesus Christ the Son of God? In the days of Abraham, He was not yet the Son of God, for He had not yet been born of the virgin Mary, but He was made like the Son of God in His manifestation to Abraham.
Heb 7:3 … remains a priest continually.
Notice again: Melchizedek, this scripture reveals, remains continually, or permanently, a priest. But who is our priest or high priest?
Heb 5:5 So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.”
Heb 5:6 As He also says in another place [the writer is quoting Ps 110:4]: “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek“;
Jesus Christ is our High Priest.
Melchizedek and Jesus Christ are one and the same Person!