Answers to Bible Questions

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Are all foods purified?
Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible?
Can women be ordained?
Can you remarry if you are divorced?
Did God create time?
Did God kill 23,000 or 24,000 for Baal worship, 1 Cor 10:8, Num 25:9?
Did Judas partake of the bread and the wine and the foot washing?
Did King Saul conjure Samuel from the dead?
Did one third of the angels rebel against God?
Did the soldier’s spear kill Jesus?
Do you have an immortal soul?
Does Deuteronomy 16:1-8 refer to Passover or Unleavened Bread?
Does Ephesians 2:15 abolish the law?
Faith in Jesus Christ or faith of Jesus Christ?
Has anyone heard the Father’s voice?
How are we predestined?
How can you increase your faith?
How can you recognise the False Prophet at the time of the end?
How did Jesus Christ fulfill the Law?
How did the Scribes alter Psalm 110?
How does the Holy Spirit impart understanding?
How is it that God confused the languages, yet He is not the author of confusion?
How long does the Great Tribulation last?
How many years was Israel in Egypt?
How often should “the Lord’s Supper” be taken?
How old is the earth?
How old was Jacob when he married?
How should ‘YHWH’ be translated?
How was Jesus made perfect through sufferings, Hebrews 2:10?
In what way is Adam a type of Christ?
In what way was the earth divided in the time of Peleg?
Is getting a tattoo a sin?
Is God a Trinity?
Is Hebrews 9:15-17 discussing a Covenant or a Testament?
Is homosexuality a sin?
Is interracial marriage a sin?
Is it a sin to commit suicide?
Is Jesus Christ God?
Is Passover a day of Unleavened Bread?
Is reincarnation true?
Is there an end time Elijah?
Is your salvation assured?
On what day was the earth created?
Should baptism be in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit?
Should ministers be financially supported solely by the Church?
Should women cover their head in church?
Should you be circumcised?
Should you celebrate Christmas?
Should you celebrate Easter?
Should you eat pork?
Should you forgive an unrepentant sinner?
Should you keep the seventh day Sabbath?
Should you tithe?
Should you wear tassels?
The Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms: how is the Old Testament divided?
Was Jesus Christ created?
Was Jesus resurrected on Sunday?
Was Satan really called Lucifer?
What are Mat 16:19 “the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”?
What are some of the names of God?
What are the four aspects of a covenant?
What are the two offices of ordination?
What are the meaning of the names from Adam to Noah?
What are the stages of Jesus Christ’s return?
What are the three heavens?
What are the three hells?
What are the three resurrections?
What are the two deaths?
What are the watches of the night?
What are “the works of the law”?
What did Jesus mean by “Behold, I am coming quickly”?
What did Jesus mean Mat 8:22 “Let the dead bury their own dead”?
What did Jesus mean Luk 17:21 “the kingdom of God is within you”?
What did Jesus mean Psa 22:6 “I am a worm”?
What do “under law” and “under grace” mean?
What does 1Co 15:29 “baptised for the dead” mean?
What does 2 Peter 3:18 “grow in grace” mean?
What does “a bruised reed He will not break” mean?
What does “binding and loosing” mean?
What does “Bless the Lord” mean?
What does “Born Again” mean?
What does “born of God” mean?
What does “Christ is the end of the law” mean?
What does Col 2:16 “let no one judge you in food or in drink” mean?
What does Deu 6:4 “the LORD is one” mean in the Shema?
What does “do not shave your beard” mean, Lev 19:27 and Lev 21:5?
What does Gal 4:10 “You observe days and months and seasons and years” mean?
What does “heap coals of fire on his head” mean?
What does it mean to “afflict your soul”?
What does it mean, Noah was “perfect in his generations”, Gen 6:9?
What does it mean, “You shall cut off her hand”, Deu 25:11-12?
What does leaven picture?
What does Luk 16:9 “make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon” mean?
What does Mat 11:12 “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” mean?
What does Mat 24v22 “those days” being “cut short” or “shortened’ mean?
What does Pro 26:4-5 answer and don’t answer a fool according to his folly mean?
What does Rev 3:9 “I will make them come and worship before your feet” mean?
What does Rom 14:6 “He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord” mean?
What does the Azazel goat of the Day of Atonement represent?
What does the Bible say about Military Service?
What does the Bible say about polygamy?
What does “their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched” mean?
What does “two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left” mean?
What does “Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together” mean?
What does “You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk” mean?
What does “You shall not wear a garment of mixed linen and wool” mean?
What happened during Noah’s Flood?
What is a holy kiss?
What is an apostle?
What is baptism with fire?
What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
What is Col 2:14 “the Handwriting of Requirements”?
What is faith?
What is God’s work?
What is Jacob’s trouble?
What is Justification?
What is Luk 6:1 “the second Sabbath after the first”?
What is Sanctification?
What is Sin?
What is Speaking in Tongues?
What is the “Abomination of Desolation”?
What is “the curse of the law”?
What is the doctrine of “laying on of hands”, Hebrews 6:2?
What is the Eternal Fire in Jude 7?
What is the Evidence the Bible is true?
What is the fate of Satan?
What is the fate of the wicked?
What is the history of the translation of the Bible into English?
What is the kingdom of God?
What is the law of Moses?
What is the law of the firstborn?
What is “the Lord’s Supper”, 1Co 11:20?
What is the meaning of the Day of Atonement?
What is the meaning of the Feast of Passover?
What is the meaning of the Feast of Pentecost?
What is the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles?
What is the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets?
What is the meaning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
What is the meaning of the Eighth Day of the Feast of Tabernacles?
What is the meaning of the parable of the wineskins?
What is the meaning of The Seventy Weeks prophecy?
What is the meaning of the wave sheaf offering?
What is the Nazirite Vow?
What is the New Covenant?
What is the Old Covenant?
What is the purpose of prophecy?
What is “the sign of the Son of Man” that appears in heaven, Mat 24:30?
What is the significance of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
What is the significance of “the first day of the week” being mistranslated?
What is the sixth hour in John 19:14?
What is the spirit in man?
What is the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man about?
What is the true gospel?
What is the unpardonable sin?
What is water baptism?
What killed Adam and Eve?
What major events must happen next before Christ returns to earth?
What rights do we have?
What twelve things does the blood of Christ do?
What was “The Circumcision” sect?
What was the Galatian heresy?
What were the four things that bore witness of Jesus?
When and How do you receive the Holy Spirit?
When and what were the 400, 430, 450 and 480 Years?
When did ancient Israel keep the Passover, at the start or the end of the 14th Abib?
When did God create the heavens and the earth?
When did Jesus eat His last Passover?
When did the disciples prepare the last Passover?
When did The Seventy Years prophecy start and end?
When does the sign of the Son of Man appear?
When exactly is the wave sheaf offering?
When should a Christian be disfellowshipped?
When was Jesus born?
When were the ten times Israel tested God?
Where is Elijah?
Where is Enoch?
Who are Britain and the USA in Bible prophecy?
Who are the saints?
Who is Melchizedek?
Who is our teacher?
Who is the Antichrist?
Who taught Jesus?
Who was Cain’s wife?
Who was the God of the Old Testament?
Who were the Giants (Nephilim) of Genesis 6?
Why did God seek to kill Moses?
Why did Jesus say Luk 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife”?
Why did Paul shave his head in Cenchrea?
Why does God allow evil spirits to trouble people?
Why does God allow trials?
Why does God command repentance when He must grant it?
Why were Adam and Eve created naked?
Why were Gentile converts instructed to abstain from four things?
Will God resurrect animals?
Will the saints be resurrected on the Feast of Trumpets?
Would God ever allow a true Christian to starve to death?